Janesville, Wisconsin
The Badger Lapidary & Geological Society

.: Club Information

This club is created to stimulate the interest of its members and the general public in the study of Mineralogy, Geology, Paleontology, and Archaeology

Come join us on our Facebook Page

This club is not formed for profit, and none of its assets shall be used for pecuniary gain or profit of any individual who is or may become a member thereof.

Membership categories shall be as follows:Overload

  • Family Membership $20 per year

  • Single Membership $15 per year

FIELDTRIPS: Field Trips are either classified
as Collecting Trips or Non-Collecting Trips

Field trips generally occur on the 4th weekend of
every month in the year, plus on the 2nd weekend
of the months in July and August, thus creating
an overall schedule of club events every other
weekend throughout the year, excluding
holiday weekends.


Click for info about our 55th Annual Rock, Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show!